About Us

An Introduction

Twin City has been established since 2008. It is centrally located in Orchard Road, Singapore. The dental clinic is equipped with modern dental facilities such as digital radiography Xray machines and a cone beam computed tomography for three dimensional imaging.


5 things to know about getting straighter teeth

Orthodontic Technology

Clear Bracket System

Innovation C are clear braces without elastic ties which can straighten teeth. These braces are less obvious, attract less plaque build up and move teeth with less forces.

Our Doctor

Dr Poon Kee Hoon

Specialist in Orthodontics
BDS (Singapore), MDS ( Orthodontics Singapore), MOrth RCS ( Edinburgh), FAMS

Dr Poon Kee Hoon is an Orthodontist registered under the Dental Specialist Register with the Singapore Dental Council.

About OSA

Click icon to view OSA research

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterized by repeated episodes of upper airway occlusion during sleep. Signs and symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, loss of concentration and snoring. Dental splints can be used as a treatment modality for OSA.

To check your sleepiness score, total the points . Click here to check your total score to see how sleepy you are.